The Free 52 {February "18}

Freelensing is a passion of mine.  This year I've decided to devote more time to my personal work.  This is a group of women from all over the world that support, motivate, and inspire each other in our love of taken our lenses off.  Once a month we post our freelensed images and link them together.  Next stop over to my friend Katie Woodard to check out her gorgeous work. 

February is my month of un-motivation, lack of inspiration, and just plain bllaaahhhh.  But this year has been busy and the month flew by without me even consciously acknowledging it was here.  Not a great statement for my goal of being more present or mindful (insert frown emoji here)  But as much of the daily life I tried to take in, it did not typically include my camera.  So here are a few moment I did mange to pull it out.


We've plowed most of the snow in our city lot to build a fort for the boys.  I took a few friends and them sledding one day only to come back and find dad had built a fire inside it.  A nice spot to hang out and warm up after spending the afternoon in wet snow.  
