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Social Distancing for a Cause

  • Well this world just flipped upside down quickly. I sat at this very spot in early February, twenty different tabs open on my computer, credit card in hand and i-pad set up to the family calendar. As I navigated the the upcoming months and summer working to place my boys in activities and summer school I had no idea that all this effort and scheduling would just be tossed out the window from a train barreling into the unknown at 100 mph.


Not sure about you but when schools closed and the State came out with the Safer At Home I went into survival mode. The first few weeks were just trying to plan and prep for the “what ifs”. What if someone gets a cut, do I have enough band aids? What if the boys have to submit assignments? Do we have pencils, enough tech gadgets, do we even have stamps? What if we run out of toilet paper? Just kidding I was not on the tp hoarding train.

After that came the, “How on Earth am I going to make sure my three kids are doing what they need to do to continue their learning?” I know every parent out there felt the pressure that came crashing down on them we were notified that WE were now their homeschooling parents. I really felt it as I was a former teacher and my husband a principal. If we can’t hold our three kiddos to some sort of standard we are complete failures! The hardest part for me was not working through the whining and curriculum but how to stay organized, where to find the information and assignments on three totally different platforms. This learning curve fell directly on my kids teaching me how to navigate this new world of online learning I was so oblivious to.

After settling into some sort of routine and accepting this new normal, my thoughts fled back to this humble little business I started back in 2013. I was missing my creative outlet. I had so many questions. Could we work? If we could work what did that look like with social distancing? What about the couples that were supposed to be getting married and the cancellation of their Big Wedding plans? Legally what are we able to do? How can my business help support families going through this, support the other small local business that are struggling just like me?

We finally got news that yes, we could have photo sessions so long as we adhere to social distancing guidelines. This was such a breath of fresh air. I could work again! Open up the flood gates friends!……. chirp, chirp, chirp. While there were nibbles here and there it’s been relatively quiet. I suppose much of this is still due to the uncertainty of families incomes, furloughs, the focus on preparation if this continues into the summer and fall, and of course the plain fear of what is safe and what is not.

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For many of us we are feeling trapped. Trapped in our homes, unable to make decisions of where to go, what to do. Not being able to travel and see family and friends. Cancelation of vacations, appointments…. We do have choices though. Choices to slow down, enjoy the small things, our families, cooking that pinterst recipe, drawing, home projects. What ever you choose to do with your time these days remember not everyone does have this. That’s why I plan to donate $25 from every session and any extra donation made to Fierce Freedom. Fierce Freedom is a local nonprofit set on educating communities and businesses on Human Trafficking. How to recognize it, report it, and victim advocacy. It’s really quite an extraordinary group that fights for the basic human right of freedom for many people in our own area.

Besides the Social distancing sessions, I am also offering front porch sessions for $25. Extra donations from this will also go towards Fierce Freedom. And for all those families that had babies during the Safer at Home order, I am doing a complimentary session to capture your little one while they are still new.

Stay strong friends. Stay healthy, breath, and show gratitude for all that you have with the freedom to make the decisions to better yourself and those around you.

For additional information on how you can help support the fight to end human trafficking, please head over to Fierce Freedom, Altoona WI.